留言人 zn --2000年8月5日,22:58

内容 我一直认为日本只有少数人顽固不化,但是东史郎的遭遇和日本对战争的长期以来的态度使我认识到在这个星球上还有这样一个下贱自卑无耻的民族.好吧,把东史郎和极其少数的日本人留下来,其余的全部灭绝之!!!!!!!!!!!

The Japanese Nation is a Nation with Brutish Nature

From ZN 22:58, Aug5,2000

I always think that only a few Japanese people are impenetrably thickheaded, however what 东史郎 has experienced and the long-term attitude towards war by Japan make me realize there is indeed a base and shameless nation in this planet. Well let’s eliminate all those shameless Japanese people but 东史郎 and a few honest Japanese peole!

(Trans. By Sheron)


留言人 唐文超 --2000年8月5日,19:53

内容 看了这一幅幅曾经让很多中国人痛苦难过的照片,作为一名有血气的中国人的我,心是沉痛悲愤的。日本人对我们祖辈父辈所犯下的滔天罪行,这些照片提供了铁的明证。我们所有中国人都应该永记这一段惨痛的历史,记住日本人那曾经沾满中国人鲜血的罪恶的双手,时刻警惕日本军国主义的抬头。对日本那些不肯承认甚至歪曲铁的历史事实的人,每一个中国人都应勇敢地站出来,坚决向他们提出最强烈的抗议,坚决向他们说不。对于这些日本人,我们一定要与他们继续抗战到底,与他们进行坚决的较量。他们一天不低下罪恶的头,承认和正视历史事实,我们决不罢休。我们中国人要向这些日本人证明,我们中国人并不是麻木不仁的,我们中国人是有血性的,我们中国人是不容欺负和诲辱的!让我们全体中国人都站起来坚决向日本人说不!!!

Firmly Say NO to Japanese

From Tang Wenchao 19:53 Aug5, 2000

Seeing all these horrible and painful pictures, as a righteous ardour Chinese I feel angry and heavy at heart. These pictures provide iron evidences of monstrous crimes that Japanese has done to our ancestors.

All the Chinese people should remember this painful history and those bloody Japanese hands, at the same time, people should be on guard against the rising militarism in Japan. Every Chinese people should bravely pose our strongest protest and resolutely say NO to those Japanese who deny or even distort history.

We must fight against those impenetrably thickheaded Japanese and we must continue our actions until they lower their heads admitting and facing the history. We Chinese should prove that we are not unconcerned people, we Chinese are righteous ardour people who are not tolerated to be bullied and humiliated! We all Chinese people stand up and determinately say NO to Japan!

(Trans. By Sheron)


留言人 觉远 --2000年8月5日,16:46

内容 认清日本军国主义的丑恶嘴脸,和当今的日本右翼是主流的现状!!!请官员老爷们不要再拿“一衣带水”之类的话骗孩子吧!!!告诉他们事实!!!


From Jue Yuan 16:46, Aug5, 2000

Clearly learn the repulsive features of Japanese militarism and the present status of main-streamed right-wing in Japan! Officials should cease to say something like “Japan and China are close neighbours separated by only a strip of water” to our children! Tell the children truth!

(Trans. By Sheron)


留言人 中国人 --2000年8月5日,16:25

内容 从哲学的角度讲,世界的发展总是迂回式前进的,世界的主题永远是分与合,战与和。作为一个有着百年被侵略史的中国,我们不希望战争,但是我们一厢情愿?

We Should Improve Ourselves

From A Chinese 16:25 Aug5, 2000

Speaking from the philosophical angle, the world’s development is always in a circuitous way with a theme of separation and unity, war and peace. As a country with a history of being invaded over a hundred we don't want any war, but will this only be our one-sided wish?

(Trans. By Sheron)


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